
186/366 Omului nu i-a fost data sansa sa zboare. Doar imitatia zborului, adesea sub forma unor locuri stramte intr-un avion in care nu poti nici macar sa-ti flexezi genunchii cum trebuie. Dar totusi… chiar si atunci, omul devine nerabdator sa se ridice in aer si sa paraseasca Pamantul pentru cateva minute sau ore.

Mankind has not been given the opportunity to fly. Just an imitation of it, often under the form of tight seat spaces in a plane where you can’t even bend your knees properly. But still… even then, man becomes excited to be lifted into the air and leave Earth for a couple of minutes or hours.

187/366 Urasc sa nu ies din casa cand ma gandesc ca am un proiect foto 365 de facut. Asa ca va trebui sa mai rabdati fotografii ciudate. Doar e vacanta, nu?

I hate not going out of the house when I think I have a 365 photo project to do. So you will have to bear with my weird photos for a while. It’s only holiday, right?

188/366 Pasta and tennis.

189/366 Dupa 10 ore, tot ce vreau este sa stau intinsa pe spate, undeva pe iarba, sa adie vantul si eu sa ma uit la nori. Aaa, si sa mananc si niste Macarons, ca tot le-am surprins in fotografie. Dar din pacate, nu m-am ales cu nimic din toate astea… Poate doar cu gandurile pe care le-as fi avut stand intinsa pe iarba aia.

After 10 hours, all I want is to lay on my back, somewhere on the grass, with the wind barely blowing and me watching the clouds. Aaa, and eating some Macarons, given that they are the subject of my photo. Unfortunately, I didn’t get any of this… Maybe only the thoughts I would have had laying on that grass.

190/366 Cred ca o sa iasa fie fotomodel (sta la poze ce n-am vazut!), decoratoare (ca mama ei) sau organizatoare de evenimente (tot ca mama ei). Sau imblanzitoare de animale.

I think she’ll grow up into a model (she poses for photos a lot), a decorator (like her mom) or an event planner (also like her mom). Or a tamer.

191/366 Auto portret facut in lipsa de iesiri. Prea cald pentru fotografiat pe timpul zilei. Cred ca ma fac pasare de noapte. Si ziua o sa dorm.

Self-portrait taken due to lack of “going-out”s. Too hot for shooting during the day. I think I’ll turn into a night owl. And sleep during the day.

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